From left to right: Melissa McClure (currently Marie Curie Fellow @University of Amsterdam), Sarah Ragan (currently Marie Curie Fellow @Cardiff University), Nathan Crockett (currently doing quite well in private sector in California), L. Ilse Cleeves (current Hubble Fellow @Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; incoming faculty at UVa in 2018)., Sebastien Maret (CNRS, Grenoble, France), Edwin Bergin (currently wandering around somewhere), Ruud Visser (currently happily in the private sector in Holland)

From left to right: Fujun Du (currently in doing quite well private sector in China), Cecile Favre (currently postdoctoral fellow @Arcetri Observatory, Italia), Thomas Rice (currently 5th year graduate student at UM), Kamber Schwarz (currently 6th year graduate student at UM), L. Ilse Cleeves (current Hubble Fellow @Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; incoming faculty at UVa in 2018).
Ted with close collaborators and friends

At Karin Öberg’s PhD Celebration with Eric Herbst

The HEXOS brain trust at Carcassonne: Peter Schilke (Koln University), Ted Bergin (UM), Darek Lis (Paris Observatory)

With Fred Ciesla taking a selfie at the 2015 Origins of Solar Systems GRC

Ted with two astrochemical giants: Paola Caselli (MPIE director, left) and Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden Observatory and MPIE)